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City Business Meeting

Civil  Law

We'll work together to devise the best strategy for your case and assist you in reaching the best possible outcome in your civil case.
Civil Litigation is a practice area for me.
Our civil litigation practice encompasses a wide range of matters, from landlord-tenant disputes to family law disagreements. Court is not the only option for resolving a dispute. Today, many issues are handled via cautious dialogue with the other party.

When you receive a Summons and Complaint, what should you do? What should you do if you wish to initiate a civil lawsuit on your own? Civil lawsuits span a wide range of situations and can include monetary damages or particular performance.

The following are the general procedures involved in a civil suit:

We'll work together to devise the best strategy for your case and assist you in obtaining the greatest potential result.

  • An initial consultation to evaluate what evidence a client has and what defenses he or she may have in respect to the fact in question;

  • Preparing pleadings and motions for the duration of the lawsuit;

  • Requests for admissions, interrogatories, requests for the production of papers and other items, and depositions from the opposing party are all examples of discovery requests.

  • Prior to the trial, a possible settlement could be reached.

Because civil cases are so complicated, selecting an attorney who can effectively prepare and keep track of all the deadlines involved in filing and responding to numerous petitions, while also providing top-notch representation in your case, puts the client at ease.

What is Civil Law

civil litigation is the process in which civil matters are resolved in a court of law. ... Rather than a case being a person versus the government, as in a criminal matter, civil cases are an individual or business filing suit against another individual or business.

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